Finally Home (MS, homecoming, spring, feeling old, swearing, and Lent. Part 1 of 3)

Last Wednesday, after one year, one month and 12 days of being away, I finally moved home!!!
It turns out it was the first day of spring. Even though I expected to be home by Christmas, I felt as though maybe moving back on the first spring day was somehow providential.
To me, spring means;
1. new life
2. new hope
3. new beginnings.
1. Regarding new life, spring is that time when we see sprouts popping out of the ground that not too long ago seemed impossible.
Everything seemed dead.
It started to seem impossible that I would ever get home. But then moving day came. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and I didn’t have to wear a coat or mitts when outside. I got home. All my crap was there thanks to Erinn and some good friends. I had dinner with the girls didn’t then have to grab a subway back to my apartment. We went downstairs, watched some TV, and then a community based support worker came and helped me into my new bed. My new life at home had begun and I couldn’t have been more thrilled.
2. On the new Hope front, I have lots of hope that I will soon have a new Hope. But first, the house still needs those finishing touches. The bathroom isn’t quite ready. My boxes are not quite unpacked. My paintings are not on our walls yet. There is still much work to do. However, I feel as though a new norm is settling in. I’m entering a home routine with my family which I dearly love.
My plan is to hit up a local gym that is designed for people with disabilities. It has a pool and my hope is that there will be a way to transfer into the water and swim. It has transfer capabilities so now all I seem to have to do is to make sure a PSW would be there with me to help me in and out. I believe that will be life-giving for me. I would welcome your prayers and positive thoughts on that front in the hopes that it will come to reality. Moving my whole body without the use of a wheelchair would literally be a dream come true for me. We shall see. But for now it’s new hope.
3. When it comes to new beginnings, those have already begun. Our basement is just plain awesome and I love living there. My neighbours are becoming aware that I am back home now and nice homecoming chats are happening. I can go to our own church without having to take the subway from one end of the city to the other. And just now I scooted over to the ‘Secret Garden’ that I love to come to when I write or just want to enjoy the sunshine. It’s a tad chilly but I couldn’t resist being outside on a day when there isn’t one single cloud in the sky.

This whole day smacks of new beginnings.
Things aren’t perfect. They never will be. I doubt they’re perfect for anyone. I’ll say more on that in the next couple of blogs.

But for now, spring is here and for that I am thankful.

4 thoughts on “Finally Home (MS, homecoming, spring, feeling old, swearing, and Lent. Part 1 of 3)”

  1. Hi Dion, Glad to hear that your finally home. Will be praying about the new hope – swim. That sounds like an excellent idea.
    Enjoy decorating your new basement.
    😀 Julie

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